Your Landing Page Could Be Better…

What’s the most important page on your website right now?

  • Is it your homepage - because you want to make a good impression?

  • Is is your campaign landing page - because you’re driving action via your emails right now?

  • Maybe your ‘about’ page because you’re focusing on core values and positioning?

  • A blog page you spent ages writing and want to promote?

Well, I’d like to help you improve it in a few simple steps.*

*From a wider perspective, I know there’s lots more to consider, but content and copy is my bag, so that’s what I’m talking about here :)

1. Get inspired (or jealous)

Go to a brand you love and admire… or maybe to the competitor that does things really well. Read some of their web pages - click on their emails. This can really help take you outside of your box, spark an idea or get your juices flowing (I am not suggesting your copy - but you’ll know you’ve hit the right kinda thing if you feel the sudden urge to head back to your site and make some updates!) Here are some examples if you’re not sure where to look. 

2. Pretend to be your audience 

Actually pretend to be them. Reread your copy in character. Make sure your copy is written specifically for them. Do you give them reason to care, enough reason to take action?

3. Make sure you’ve covered the content and copy basics

I’ve created a checklist for you - work through this and make the amends needed. Check your page’s analytics before and again a little while after the changes - let me know what improvements you see!



An Introduction To Copywriting